pp108 : Creating Multiple Users

Creating Multiple Users

This topic describes the procedure to create multiple users.

Before you begin this task:
You must have the role of a systemAdmin or organizationalAdmin to create multiple users.

User Manager provides the flexibility of creating more than one user at a time. The procedure is similar to creating a single user. However, it extends the functionality to create a batch of users in the same window.

  1. On CUSP > My Applications, click (User Manager). The User Manager window appears.
  2. Select Users - Roles or Users - Tasks or Users - Teams view in the User Manager window and click . The Create Multiple Users dialog box appears.
  3. Select the type of user you intend to create from Authentication Type options. Depending upon the type chosen, corresponding fields appear as described in the below table. Other than these, the following fields appear for all types of users.
    • User Name - Unique name of the user.
    • User Full Name - Description or the Full name of the User.
    • User ID - The operating system identity of the User. This acts as a unique user identifier which is used to log into Process Platform environment. If the User ID of an organizational user being created already exists, you can map it to the existing authenticated user.

      Note: User Name and User Full Name are alphanumeric and cannot contain any of the following characters: \ / : * ? ; , " ' & < > | # +.

If you select




This is the default setup where you map the existing Cordys user's domain login ID.

Provide a User Name, User Full Name, and User ID in the respective fields.
Note: If you do not enter a valid User ID, the user is created but will not be allowed to access Process Platform. This is because, the login ID is not validated during creation and will be verified only while accessing Process Platform. Hence, the user with invalid login ID is restricted to log into the Process Platform environment.


You can authenticate a user with a customized username and password. To log in as a Cordys user, you must configure IIS webserver. For more information on setting IIS and Apache, refer to Configuring Anonymous Access.

1.Provide a User Name, User Full Name, and User ID in the respective fields.
2.Expand the Assign Password groupbox and provide the password in the respective fields. These credentials are validated whenever the user logs into Process Platform environment.


User ID can be set to a particular user identity value, through which the administrator can restrict the users to log in only through the specified digital certificate.

1.Provide a User Name, User Full Name, and User ID in the respective fields.
2.Click Use Certificate button to upload a user certificate.

  1. If required, click the Contact Info tab and fill the necessary details.
  2. To add another user, click the Add Next button and provide the required details for the user.
  3. Click .

    Multiple users are created.

Related tasks

Uploading User Certificate for Multiple Users
Creating Users
Cloning Users
Editing User Details
Deleting Users
Configuring ACL for Users

Related reference

Users - Roles View
Users - Tasks View
Users - Teams View
Contact Information